Courchevel Poker

Articles/Learn-How-to-Play-OmahaLearn to play winning Poker with strategy tips on Courcheval from Roy 'GodlikeRoy' BhasinFor more Omaha videos and some fun p. Courchevel is a community card poker game. It is in the same family as No-Limit Hold’em and Pot-Limit Omaha, the two most commonly played poker types. However, Courchevel is one of the least known and played poker games out there. The biggest exposure this game got was when PokerStars added it to their selection, both cash games. Courchevel Hi/Lo Poker. Courchevel Hi/Lo is an exciting game derived from Omaha Hi/Lo. Each player in a Courchevel Hi/Lo game is dealt five private cards (‘hole cards’) that belong only to that player. Five community cards are dealt face-up on the ‘board’.

Courchevel Poker Please note that on, Courchevel Hi/Lo is available in Play Money only. Courchevel is an exciting game derived from Omaha. Each player in a Courchevel game is dealt five private cards (‘hole cards’) that belong only to that player. Omaha hold 'em (also known as Omaha holdem or simply Omaha) is a community card poker game similar to Texas hold 'em, where each player is dealt four cards and must make his or her best hand using exactly two of them, plus exactly three of the five community cards.

Courchevel is a variant of 5-Card Omaha. In Courchevel, the first community card is revealed at the beginning of each hand.

Courchevel Poker Gameplay

A hand begins with the first players clockwise from the dealer placing forced bets, known as blinds. Each player is dealt 5 hole cards. The door card or 'spit' is dealt: 1 community card is dealt to the center of the table.

Courchevel Pokerstars

A round of betting occurs. Starting with the first player clockwise from the blinds, each player has an opportunity to call (match) or raise (increase) the current bet, or fold and exit the hand.

When this betting round is complete, the flop comes: 2 additional community cards are dealt to the center of the table. Another round of betting occurs, starting with the first player clockwise from the dealer.

When this round is complete, the turn comes: 1 additional community card is dealt to the center of the table. Another round of betting occurs in the same way. When this round is complete, the river comes: 1 final community card is dealt to the center of the table.

A final round of betting occurs. If two or more players remain in the hand, a showdown is held and the players’ hole cards are compared. The pot is awarded to the best hand, or split in the event of a tie. The hand now complete, the dealer button moves clockwise and the next hand begins.

Players in Courchevel must use exactly 2 hole cards and 3 community cards to make their best 5-card hand. Unlike Texas Hold’em, players may not play 4 or 5 of the community cards.

Courchevel Pokerstars

Courchevel can be played with Pot Limit, No Limit, or Fixed Limit betting.

Five-Card Omaha poker has become wildly popular among poker players that love to gamble it up.

One popular variant of Five-Card Omaha is Courchevel.

Courchevel is Five-Card Omaha with an added element that guarantees you will see more monster hands than any other form of Omaha.

Basic Rules

Courchevel is very similar to standard Omaha poker with a couple of unique differences.

The first is that you get five cards, the same as if you were playing Big O. You still make your best hand the same way as Omaha poker by using two of your hole cards and three community cards.

The other main difference between Courchevel and regular Omaha is that after each player receives their hole cards, the first card of the flop is revealed.

Afterwards, the game proceeds the same as normal Omaha with the remainder of the flop dealt, followed by the turn and the river. At showdown, the player with the best five-card hand wins the pot.

Courchevel is typically played as Pot-Limit and you may find some No-Limit games online.

Playing for the Nuts is Key

With the first flop card exposed at the start of each hand, Courchevel quickly becomes a game of monster hands.

Anyone that plays Omaha poker is aware that you should be playing for the nuts the majority of the time. That is even more important in Courchevel.

Courchevel PokerStrategy

For starting hands, you want hands that are well coordinated and with pairs.

When considering hands for flush possibilities, stick to those that will allow you to draw to the nuts. Otherwise, you're asking for trouble long term.

Stick with starting hands that give you the most possibilities to drawing the nuts.

Be Careful in High-Action Hands Pre-Flop

Obviously, a player that has a pocket pair that matches the door card is going to come in raising the majority of the time.

If you find yourself in a pre-flop situation with a lot of action, it's safe to assume that at least one player is holding a set of the door card showing and other players are calling along with strong hands like double suited aces, K-K-Q-J or some other well coordinated hand a player is willing to gamble with.

Evaluate the Nuts After Each Round

When the flop hits, evaluate the hand for which hand is the nuts at the time and what types of potential redraws are out there.

If you're sitting with a less than nut hand or drawing to less than the nuts, you need to find a reason to get out.

Conversely, if you're sitting with a monster draw to the nuts, or better still multiple nut draws, you will want to consider going to war with the hand.

Also: don't forget that even the nut flush or straight can be garbage once the board pairs.

Smart Gambling Will Win More Often

Those that play Omaha poker know that you will often be forced to gamble with big draws.


Courchevel is a game that rewards smart gambling more often due to the expanded number of combinations available each hand.

For example, you have Ah-As-10h-Js-8d on a board of 10s-Jh-Qs. There's high action so you assume there's either a set or someone has a straight.

With two pair, a nut flush and nut straight draw, you're going to go to war with this hand. This is a spot where smart gambling will pay off long term.

Courchevel Poker Hi Lo

Courchevel Poker

Added Door-Card Element Means You Will See More Monster Hands

Finally, remember that because of the exposed door after each deal, there will be many more monster hands in Courchevel than regular Omaha poker and even Big O.

It's important that you focus on playing hands that give you the best chance to make the nuts. Otherwise you're going to find yourself on the wrong side of the rail much quicker than even standard Omaha games.